The Google Collections Library was released

今天看到InfoQ上的一个“旧闻”,是关于google collections的,“The Google Collections Library, version 1.0-final, was released on December 30, 2009”,又再仔细看了一下,看来项目里面应该引入这个包。

  • 主要亮点在于:

Immutable Collections,适用于各种并发处理场景 New collections types: Multiset, Multimap, BiMap Ordering,太方便了,而且代码可读性好多了 Iterables and Iterators,性能应该有改进不少

  • 结论(摘自Sune Simonsen)

In my opinion Google Collection will definitely improve your code, making it more readable and save you from creating your own error-prone implementation of the functionality already provided and tested by Google. I think that it is especially good that the library extends the standard library in a non intrusive way, instead of creating a parallel collection library. This also means that you can choose to use only the convenience classes and not spreading Google specific types all over your system if that worries you.

  • references:


于2013.01.06 » 迁移自tanbamboo.blogspot.com博客

此文作者:Benjamin Tan, 分类: develop, 标签: googlegruva, 发布于:2010-01-19 00:00:00 +0000。