Discussion about SIEM

最近看到关于SIEM的一个讨论,原文链接为: http://skizzlesec.com/2014/06/08/security-analysts-discuss-siems-elasticsearchlogstashkibana-vs-arcsight-splunk-and-more/


1. Free-from, Human driven VS. Workflow-Driven, Automated

If you’re into free-form, human driven, what-if searches and explorations then Splunk (or any other free-form log manipulation toolset) will fare much better. Setting up alerting utilizing regexes and defined known-bad strings in a SIEM is not the same, your success comes from the intelligence the human users running it have. If you want workflow-driven, automated, audit-able and repeatable first-line alerting for well defined conditions (and running defined regexe’s against data realtime is defined conditions IMO) then you’ll fare better with a SIEM. You won’t do as good if you want to drill into any of the great patterns provided on this list on the fly with most SIEMs though; Splunk et al will most likely outperform.






后续如果有时间,考虑把这个讨论翻译为中文,国内SIEM的应用层次还太低,这种讨论更是难得一见。 国内SIEM产品厂商虽然多,但是相关业内人士的交流沟通太少。

此文作者:Benjamin Tan, 分类: siem, 标签: siemarcsightsplunkelk, 发布于:2014-08-05 00:00:00 +0000。